Welcome to the Job Bank of the Paralegal Association of New Jersey! This benefit offers information exclusively to current PANJ members about available positions from law firms, corporations, agencies, business entities, and other paralegal employers who contact PANJ looking for desirable candidates. Browse the
Job Bank and discover gainful career opportunities! The job descriptions are provided by the employer to PANJ. While PANJ makes an effort to ensure all job postings are from trusted employers only, you are encouraged to research the potential employer before submitting an application and/or resume. PANJ is not an employment agency and will not submit an application to an employer on your behalf. PANJ will also not provide a reference. If you obtain employment through a posted Job in the Bank, please let the
Job Bank Coordinator know!
Good luck in your job search! New positions are received daily. Visit the Job Bank frequently for updates.
MEMBERS, in order to obtain the discounted event attendance fee, access the Job Bank and additional discounts from third party sponsors, you MUST register and create a username and password on PANJ's
Forum. Your username must be professional and you MUST use the same email address connected with your PANJ membership. Once your Registration is complete, please allow 5-7 calendar days to process. You will receive an email thanking you for activating your ProBoards (
Forum) account. Thereafter, the discounted event attendance fee, access to the
Job Bank and additional discounts from third party sponsors will be granted. Access expires once your PANJ membership lapses.
Is there a fee to post an ad?
How long will it take for the job to post once submitted?
It should be quick, within a day or two. The same processing time applies when removing an ad once you notify the Job Bank Coordinator.
Will PANJ provide information about a candidate?
No. The Job Bank is a benefit for PANJ members. PANJ will not provide a reference or submit resumes on the candidate's behalf. A PANJ Board member may provide a reference if they have a relationship with the candidate outside of PANJ, but anything provided is on their own and not on behalf of PANJ.
What kind of jobs can I submit?
Full-time, part-time, temporary, and internships for our student members.